City of Parma, Italy and Erasmus Centre for Urban, Port and Transport Economics BV, both partners in the Zero Carbon Infrastructure (ZCI) project, co-financed from the Interreg Europe programme, are organizing a third Masterclass on the thematic of business cases in sustainable mobility, on the 30st and 31st of January 2024, in Parma, Italy.
The main purpose of the ZCI Masterclasses is to help partners and their stakeholders define their learning needs in terms of setting up the infrastructure on alternative fuels and, in this case, business cases related to the topic. The Masterclass will include a mix of speakers, both from private and public sector and one or more study visits.
Relevant stakeholders from private and public sector from the partners’ region, willing to tackle the investments and policies to speed up the green mobility transition, are invited to join the partnership, learn, share experiance and knowledge and network with other stakeholders.
The planned themes to be addressed on the Masterclass are:
- The Business Case of Charging Infrastructure, which will include presentations from private charging point operators and City of Parma
- The Business Case of Sharing Mobility, including presentations from private sharing mobility services (i.e. Tier) and a public company responsible for all sustainable mobility services in Parma
- The Business Case of Electric Busses, including presentation from Tep, Parma’s public transport operator and the region Emilia Romagna, the regional authority responsible for public transport
More about the project is available on the following LINK.