Interregional Policy Learning Regional Context Analysis was elaborated in 2019, within an European project, co-financed by ERDF. The partners’ consortium has joined nine partners from Greece, Italy, Latvia, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Romania and Slovenia. It shows a state of play in different regions on the difussion of e-mobility by analysing different elements influencing the shift to e-mobility.
This is still a draft version. The final version is expected by September 2020.

E-mobility strategy mainly for cycling was elaborated by German partner from Tuttlingen in 2019, within an European project, co-financed by ERDF. The Strategy addresses Danube natural selected protected areas in Romania, Germany, Bulgaria and Slovenia.

This Communication sets out a comprehensive alternative fuels strategy and the road to its implementation covering all modes of transport. It aims at establishing a long-term policy framework to guide technological development and investments in the deployment of these fuels and give confidence to consumers.
Electric vehicles (EVs), using a highly efficient electric motor for propulsion, can be supplied by electricity from the grid, coming increasingly from low-CO2 energy sources. Flexible recharging of vehicle batteries, at times of little demand or ample supply, supports the integration of renewable energy into the power system. EVs emit no pollutants and no noise and are therefore particularly suited for urban areas. Hybrid configurations, combining internal combustion engines and electric motors, can save oil and reduce CO2 emissions by improving the overall energy efficiency of propulsion (up to 20%) but are, without external recharging possibilities, not an alternative fuel technology.

The Sourcebook provides good practices for promoting implementation of mobility on alternative fuels from eight European countries and nine regions. This paper is organized in 8 chapters. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the Interreg framework and project description. Chapter 3 contains a literature review, providing information on the different types of policy instruments promoting e-mobility and deeper insights in the transferability of policy instruments. An overview of sensitivity of policy measures to the local environment, as well as the enhancing effect of policy instruments on one another, is provided and scientifically underpinned. Chapter 4 describes the methodology used to collect the regional Good Practices, select the 40 best practices and analyse them to allow a conclusion for transferability. Chapter 5 contains an overview of the 40 selected Good Practices, followed by chapter 6 providing the promised analysis of transferability and performance. A final chapter to conclude this paper is found in chapter 7, followed by the list of references in chapter 8.

“SaMBa explores new ways of leveraging rewards and pricing to trigger change in mobility behaviour.”

e-SMART designed, tested and validated transnational instruments for the integrated planning of smart grid services and charging stations for e-mobility.